SMC can monitor many back-to-base devices and technologies offered to our bureau customers using 4G & GPRS technology.
The SMC operation takes this type of high risk monitoring very seriously, and all customers are monitored within our VIP cell, which consists of our most experienced operators.
We aim to provide all our VIP operators with the training they need to deal with confronting and high stress situations while on the phone. This involved DV awareness and resilience under pressure training sessions provided by Lifeline.
Below are the solutions available for bureaus who choose to use SMC.
SMC only carry out the monitoring of the solutions below. Bureaus are required to reach out to the suppliers directly for equipment purchases.
Emizon IP is the dual path ‘always on’ alarm signalling and CCTV monitoring service. Using the customer’s broadband service, Emizon IP continuously monitors the connection between the alarm panel and the response centre 24 hours a day.
If there is a problem with the broadband connection, accidental or malicious, signals will be sent over the wireless GPRS network. Your customers can feel secure and safe knowing that the alarm will always be delivered.
Telstra Secure
Telstra Secure provides a solution for customers who need to supervise communications between their premises and the Monitoring Centre.
For over 25 years, the Australian Security Industry has relied on the Telstra Securitel network to deliver Class 4 high security monitoring solutions to customers.
Inner Range Multipath
SMC can monitor the full suite of Inner Range products via the end client’s Internet connection or 4G using the T4000 single and dual SIM devices.
Compatible 4G devices include the T4000, T4000 Lite and Ultralite, with monitoring options also available for the Inception and Integriti solutions.
SCSI Direct Wireless
Direct Wireless can deliver wireless alarm transmission to over 95% of the Australian population and is a popular option for our bureaus when upgrading customers away from traditional PSTN phone line communications or older solutions.
Permaconn offers a secured, polled, end-to-end managed network that delivers alarm events into SMC’s two A1-R1A graded control rooms over 4G or utilising the client’s ISP. Critical network servers are hosted in professional data centres with multiple layers of hardware redundancy.
SafeDial Wireless
SafeDial Wireless is a unique Multi-Path 4G & IP wireless module inside your alarm panel. The fully featured unit can deliver alarm event traffic to SMC on a secure and redundant platform.
MyNet Alarm Wireless
The BAT-Connect Gateway from MyNet Alarm is a solution that allows SMC bureaus to upgrade existing alarm panels in the marketplace without the expense of a complete panel replacement.
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